External media

RAN collection of approaches
The Radicalisation Awareness Network connects practitioners within the EU who work with radicalised individuals or those thought to be vulnerable to radicalisation. The network has collected over 100 practices developed by practitioners in an online database. The aim is to offer advice, inspiration, and an opportunity to find partners.
Source: RAN CoE YouTube channel
Inmate mentoring against radicalisation
This interviewee, his identity concealed, is a counter-radicalisation expert in Denmark, a country with a high proportion of foreign fighters. He represents the Danish ‘Back on track’ programme which provides mentoring and help for inmates who are imprisoned on grounds of terrorism. He speaks of how the feeling of belonging, identity, and righteousness draw people towards extremist views.
Source: ICF Mostra’s TV
Initiative to address the life cycle of radicalisation
The GCTF launched a new “Initiative to Address the Life Cycle of Radicalization to Violence” that consolidates and builds upon existing GCTF good practices and recommendations regarding key countering violent extremism (CVE) topics, such as community policing, the role of education in CVE, the importance of partnerships with local communities, and the role of rehabilitation and reintegration in dealing with violent extremists.
Source: Global Counterterrorism Forum
Preventing violent extremism through education
This UNESCO video illustrates the importance of preventing violent extremism through education, drawing attention to some of the drivers of violent extremism, to the role of education in preventing violent extremism, and to educational approaches recommended by UNESCO.
Source: UNESCO YouTube channel
The rise of Violent Ring-Wing Extremism in Europe
The video explores the rise of violent ring-wing extremism in Europe. The group of practitioners discusses how ring-wing extremism has been underestimated in the previous years, its surge in the online world, and the implications of new technologies. Moreover, the matter was discussed in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: RAN CoE Youtube Channel
Foreign Terrorist fighters (FTFs)
and their families
As foreign terrorist fighters and their families continue to return to Europe, the need for a holistic approach remains vital. In the video, a group of practitioners discusses how this situation must be tackled and the type of measures and initiatives that must be included and implemented to do so.
Source: RAN CoE Youtube Channel
Fighting extremism — in and out of prison
This video approaches the role of the community in the reintegration of extremists and terrorists that were released from prison or are still incarcerated. It shows the value of community initiatives and support to the prevention and intervention with radicalised individuals, as well as the role of prison in the process.
Source: euronews (in English) Youtube Channel